Robinik Grimmgall Wiki

My companion, Riem, asked me to divulge information on Beckham and Roger. Here are some notes I compiled for him about Beckham and Roger.

Roger and Beckham are 2 of my favorites of my original characters. I've come up with numerous stories, numerous alternative universes, numerous jokes, and numerous artworks about/featuring them. Out of all of my characters, they're my most developed, from their past to their futures. I've even come up with voice claims—and I may be able to properly voice act for Roger without straining too much which I wanted to do for a while—face claims (somewhat), etc. Roger's voice should sound like Mal from Total Drama or Michael (Goth Kid) from South Park and Beckham's voice is very difficult to describe since there isn't a specific voice claim but it sounds like one of the members of Radiohead in South Park and/or the first talking dog in this skit (

As for their personalities and overall character, including their relationship, I consider that a brief summary of their relationship is that despite Roger harboring high intelligence, he is highly emotional and can be quite illogical sometimes. However, he believes that logic and emotion can never be fully separated in most conscious creatures on Earth as, in many cases such as social relations, moral discussions, and implication of substances, they are intertwined. This goes for even the most intelligent creature on Earth, which he deems himself not to even be close to. Beckham, being more of a thinker and of a calmer disposition than Roger, can be considered the voice of reason for Roger's insanity, the rainbow that supersedes the storm, the hero that rescues the damsel in distress... usually, from himself.

Roger is insane, his cognitive behavior incomprehensible, his worldview disturbing and unbearable, especially to himself. Constantly tormented, attempting to love despite so much hatred in his heart due to his upbringing and his shattered psyche from years of mistreatment from most people he's met, his phobia of other people ("other," despite his fervent exclamation that he is NOT a person and cannot legally or logically be considered one due to his own criteria of what a person is... that he does not fit), it's a wonder such a creature has not committed suicide. He feels disgusted every time he looks in the mirror, the idea that he harbors fully-functioning organs such as his entire gastrointestinal tract, his encephalon, his myocardium, his optics, his ears, his olfactory organs, his lungs, and kidneys, et al. causes him moderate-to-severe distress, even if only for a few minutes before his mind distracts him with other topics. He wishes to rip off his face and remove his tongue (which he also denies having), have all of his organs completely ablated, including his encephalon, and receive a full genetic excision, so it may be as if he never existed as he will never exist again. He dislikes feeling his tongue in his mouth and pronouncing the letter "L," where these sensations are most prominent to him when speaking, and every time he swallows his saliva—especially as these aspects bring him sexual shame. He does his best to avoid naming most of his anatomical features directly and despises when he has to point out his perceptions/observations directly to communicate clearly (e.g.: "I saw...", "I heard..."). Among everything, he despises his sense of smell the most, as he believes negative odors greatly outdo positive odors (i.e.: good smells aren't worth bad smells, unlike with every other sensation) and, therefore, the sense of smell is something he wishes to eliminate within himself entirely. He knows that the best thing he could do to outdo the pain of these memories and have one up over his brother is to enjoy his food now that he is finally able to, but his self-hatred and his hatred/fetishism of deglutition brings him to prefer to starve himself instead, which he's able to for long periods of time. However, to attempt to negate his negative feelings toward deglutition, he attempts to arouse himself instead. For this, he becomes aroused constantly, and to quell these emotions, he has to masturbate constantly on a daily basis so he can retain his modicum of sanity. He imagines his future to be one of excruciating pain and suffering. His teeth will all fall out, his gums will bleed constantly, he will be balding, affected with all known and unknown cancers and illnesses, with dementia/Alzheimers, morbidly obese, a multi-amputee, et al. He believes he will live out his last days in misery and profound suffering until his heart and brain finally give out... and then, he will go to hell for all eternity and prolong his suffering in the worst-case scenario (best-case scenario: his consciousness will cease to exist; unlikely scenario: paradise or reincarnation). His final wish is to be swallowed by someone he finds attractive—in this case, it's Beckham. Even if he isn't alive to feel sexual arousal physically by being swallowed, if his consciousness exists postmortem, he may find himself feeling ecstatic to know and/or perceive his body entering the esophagus and ventriculus of his lover, being absorbed and digested by him and filling him with nutrients that will last him a while—all the while being enjoyed by him orally in a gustatory and tactile sense. Roger also constantly thinks about alternate universes and the lives he may live in other universes. His fixation with the Multiverse Theory began when he watched the episode pertaining to the theory on the hit television show, Clan Man when he was approximately 8 or 9 years old. His initial fantasies regarding these universes were positive and pertaining to wish fulfillment, such as alternate universes where he was psychiatrically stable, born as a troodon, a species he deems more beautiful and intelligent than his velociraptor self, or was born in an affluent family. Other notions were mere curiosities such as being born as another species in general or being born as the opposite sex. Eventually, his alternative universe thoughts began to take a dark turn, where he would fantasize about an alternate universe where instead of ingesting his food repeatedly as a child, his brother instead began ingesting him—this could be expressed in a number of factors based on severity, such as him being permanently disabled and deformed due to his brother ingesting his arms, legs, eyes, other facial features, or miscellaneous anatomical features, especially pertaining to a universe where the technology to repair these deficiencies were next to nonexistent as in the real world in the current era, to darker notions such as Ivan ingesting him entirely, to the point where he is deceased and his corpse had become little more than fecal matter, both of these thoughts frightening and haunting him constantly. He would cogitate multiple scenarios based on these hypothetical scenarios where he would either experience constantly misery, sorrow, and rage toward his brother due to his disfigurement which had led to a decreased quality of life and constantly pondering on how unjust/unfair it is that his brother is not experiencing anything of any similarity of severity of permanent disfunction and wondering what he did to deserve this or how his mother would mourn his death at the age of 6 to extreme extents, including even retaining jars of feces that may be Roger's corpse, as one would ashes in urns, and not wishing to abandon Roger's childhood home, in case his apparition is haunting and would miss seeing his mother; not to mention the deities in the afterlife either displaying the graphic scenes of his brother ingesting his corpse upon young Roger inquiring what occurred to him and where he may be, to the point where he is weeping excessively, or in an alternate scenario, he is unaware he is deceased, playing with children, but wondering where his mother is, being constantly told that his mother will arrive soon, and when she does arrive, she is an elderly woman, confusing Roger, and when his older brother, Axton arrives, he is an elderly man, confusing him further, as Roger is still the same age as he's always been while his relatives are older than he remembers them being. He also constantly ruminates on other alternate universe notions regarding his demise in multiple other factors, including his suicides (particularly, but not solely, ones that he attempted and survived in his current universe) and other near-death experiences. The worst part is that, in reality, this is simply a slightly to moderately exaggerated version of what I go through on a daily basis—except that I don't actually starve myself. I've tried, but I can't last more than a day without eating only one meal, especially since I tend to risk sleep deprivation when I go more than one day doing so, so I overcompensate by eating more. I'd love to starve myself so I can lose all of this weight, though, among other things. These many demons, among the many others I possess, are the reasons I say that if you were to be inside of my mind for only a minute, you'd go insane. If you were to have this mind for a whole month, you'd wish to commit suicide... assuming, you haven't already done so. As for the more positive (or, at the very least, less excruciating) aspects, he enjoys cemeteries, collecting skulls, film noir, adult cartoons, researching, rock music, bluesy rock, jazz, classical, and even this odd, futuristic genre called "metal." His joking style is very much like mine and he loves a good laugh. He also loves teasing Beckham, even in manners that go far, to tickle himself pink. He loves most puppies and baby animals and caring for children, despite the fact that he is also anthropophobic. He loves cooking for his loved ones, chocolate, inventing and experimenting with science in his lab, reading, painting, drawing, claymation, taxidermy, and amateur filmmaking. He is a progressive leftist and is for the rights and equality of all inherently harmless minority/marginalized groups. For more neutral aspects, he perceives himself to be idiotic, a lot more idiotic than people give him credit for, especially whenever he utilizes common/vulgar vocabulary rather than refined, sophisticated, formal, and complex vocabulary.

Beckham is a man who prides himself on being as masculine as possible despite being homosexual. Thankfully, by 1940s-1950s (imitation) standards, that doesn't mean the hyper-macho culture that reigned prominent starting in the 1970s (and becoming more exaggerated by the 1980s), but he refuses to show his face as a pansy (or, in British terms, "Nancy"). This may, in fact, stem from his adolescent trauma from abuse inflicted on him by his parents when he officially came out as homosexual at the age of 15—if he cannot help his homosexuality, he can at least help the way he expresses himself despite it. An alcoholic, he refuses to imbibe any alcoholic beverages that may dub him, "fruity," in the eyes of others. He's an avid lover of food, to the point where he may become aroused by looking at or thinking of certain foods, interacting with them, and being fed by another man. That's not to mention his other many kinks unrelated to food such as smoking and hair. Despite having a history of traumatic experiences, he can be considered relatively well-adjusted compared to tons of other people who undergo trauma, especially as extensively as he underwent. Unfortunately, he harbors a bit of misogyny, but he is not quite an overt and domineering misogynist. He is able to maintain his misogyny to himself and not display it to other people, especially women. He enjoys helping others as he wishes he was able to be helped during his formative years when his parents were torturing him for aspects of himself he could not control. However, in many of my stories, he can be prone to jerky traits, especially toward Roger. Not only ribbing him for amusement or countering Roger's jokes but also ribbing on his genuine misery and provoking him further—these are especially common in the breakup stories and in the Rivalry AU. He utterly despises his parents and cannot wait until the both of them perish, hopefully leaving him with some of their fortunes if he is fortunate. He, on the other hand, loves and appreciates his siblings, deeming them "good people" in every universe, as they support him for who he is despite their upbringing from their parents and their own sexualities. He is a patriot of the United Kingdom, as plenty of British people are, but he enjoys engaging in United States culture if only to annoy Roger. He especially loves "American food," much to Roger's chagrin. As many dogs, he is reliant on his keen sense of smell, his favorite sense of them all. He loves to sniff all the things around him, especially his lover's scent. He even enjoys the smell of feces, as he smells the food inside the feces rather than the bacteria that causes fecal matter to smell vile to humans. (Yes, this is allegedly how dogs smell feces and why they enjoy consuming them in real life.) As dogs cannot eat chocolate, he enjoys the dog-friendly alternative, carob, his favorite type of dessert. Despite his love of carob, he also enjoys vanilla and banana flavors. He is of above-average intelligence, even if not quite as intelligent as Roger is. Roger always dots him as being quite "bright." He enjoys his occupations as a Ranch & Fishery Manager, as those occupations feel close to his native farm life, and both occupations, as fun as they are, also bring enough income alongside the income he receives from his farm in the United Kingdom. Speaking of, he travels to the United Kingdom every so often to maintain the automatons he programmed to manage the farm while he's in the United States, but always returns to Hellvane, Pennsylware as quickly as possible. Thankfully, this is possible due to the fact that planes and trains are relatively cheap and extremely fast in this universe—trains take about 3 hours to travel to and from the United Kingdom and planes take approximately 1 hour for the same due to futuristic technology. He does not consider himself to be a goth but is quickly becoming a fan of the morbid due to his love of Roger. He is relatively confident, if not harboring a few insecurities of himself every so often.

They are both considered a very good-looking couple, despite Roger being able to be considered more attractive than Beckham. Roger is typically told that due to his androgynous appearance, he can woo any person of any sexuality—heterosexual women, homosexual men, homosexual women, heterosexual men, bisexual people, aromantic people, asexual people, epicene/intersex/sexless/neuter/androgyne/"sex-shifting"/"sex-ambiguous" people, et al., depending on how they view him. This is what makes him lucky to be biroasexual. On the other hand, Beckham could only woo very few people with his appearance—heterosexual women (blargh!), homosexual men (swoon!), bisexual people (men only, please!), asexual/aromantic people (men only!), and androphilic epicene people. His only intention, of course, is wooing men.