Robinik Grimmgall Wiki

by mooninthedark12.

Roger Simon Grimdark is a male velociraptor and the tritagonist of the Ominous Organisms segment of Outcasted and the protagonist of Cretaceous Love. He appears by episode 6 of season one of Outcasted as the legal adopted cousin and biological twin brother of Dominick Gomez in an episode concentrating on him before becoming a primary addition to the cast. He is an amateur filmmaker who mostly utilizes clay models and puppets of various materials, while also occasionally working with live models. He is also a general STEAM field employee who enjoys tinkering and inventing things in his lab, cooking, and painting.

He enjoys the culture, entertainment, fashion, and paraphernalia of the 1940s and 1950s and employs it in his everyday life with a mix of more advanced technology. He also enjoys reading about paranormal phenomena, morbid tidings, and scientific discoveries and advancements. Roger also harbors a special interest in the process of ingesting and digesting materials and harbors a lot of knowledge regarding this.

Conversely, Roger dislikes late 20th-century culture, entertainment, fashion, and paraphernalia, the remaining aspects of 21st-century culture in the Grimmverse, involving himself in heated arguments, loud noises, overly bright colors, and blind optimism.


Roger possesses long, straight rose-red hair that goes down to his shoulders, usually styled with long bangs that cover his left eye and corners of his face. His sclerae are a sand brown hue, his irises a dark hickory brown color. His teeth are a shade lighter than his sclerae and are all sharp. His face is typical of that of a velociraptor. His scales are cedar brown hue, his feathers a chocolate brown. His feathers cover parts of his face, though this is usually masked by his hair, and go from his neck to his upper elbows to above his knees, they also cover the upper side of his tail. His tail is long, straight, narrow, and possesses a large tuft of red feathers at the tip. He normally wears glasses and dark clothing that cover his arms and legs.

Roger is usually depicted as clean-shaven, though it's been revealed in a few episodes that Roger regularly shaves his goatee that is the same color as his eyebrows. When he does not shave it, it sticks out of the near-center of his lower jaw.

Roger stands at 6'4" and weighs 145-165 lbs. depending on the amount of food he consumes within a period of time. Due to his anorexic tendencies, he is typically incredibly lithe in build.


"Not much is known about this theropod man's background. Roger's very mysterious, yet most people who come across him find him to be a memorable person. People tend to feel strongly about him one way or another, even when some barely know him. When getting to know him well enough, he is considered to be a very interesting character- whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is up to the person to decide."


Roger is able to be described as macabre, solicitous, obsessive, strange, socially awkward, reclusive, prone to extreme mood swings, gloomy/sorrowful, usually pessimistic, sometimes shows optimism, harboring a somewhat surreal worldview, and constantly overthinking/overanalyzing. His sense of humor is able to be considered dry, morbid, and absurdist at many different times. He is considered to be of above-average intelligence. He considers himself to be an introvert and, while mostly pessimistic, an occasional optimist. He always attempts to tackle problems head-on if he considers it possible.

Politically, he's a moderate liberal/Democrat but enjoys to retain his views private due to fear of receiving backlash for them. He comprehends that politics tends to make people experience strong sentiments and wishes to avoid the subject altogether. When confronted with someone whose views differ from his, his reaction tends to depend on individual-to-individual. He strives to consider everyone's perspective in issues and study everyone's psychology in hopes that there may be a breakthrough and a compromise. He is particularly interested in learning about evolution, history, development, sexology, and anthro psychology (and perhaps even animal psychology as well).

He harbors dilemmas maintaining eye contact with others as he only maintains eye contact with people he is comfortable with. He also harbors a bit of a stuttering problem and sometimes harbors issues attempting to discover the proper words to express himself.



The year was 2001. Scientists created Roger and his brother-cousin Dominick in a lab utilizing the ancient DNA of extant birds. He wasn't created as a fully-formed infant, however. He commenced his life as an egg, as did his cousin. They wouldn't hatch until 1 year later. The scientists eventually ceased receiving funding for this project, contributors questioning the ethics of bringing dinosaurs back to life, and thus, they abandoned them somewhere where they believed the two wouldn't be discovered by any passing civilian.

Roger and Dominick were dropped in 2 different spots, far away from each other, and thus were separated. The two share a double birthday, being created and hatched on the same day. Luckily enough, they were also discovered by 2 people who happened to be siblings and thus were able to meet again as children. Roger's mother is an emu who was married to a male Sandhill crane. He harbored 2 siblings who happened to be a hybrid of the two species. He was the only dinosaur in his immediate family, something he had taken notice of. He always wondered why he was the only member of his immediate family that was a dinosaur, and why he never obserbed any other person of his own species aside from Dominick. One day, though, his parents decided to inform him of the truth, that his particular species had perished millions of years ago—they were extinct and he was created in a lab using their ancient DNA. He deemed it devastating at first but was also glad his parents had told him. It impacted him immensely for about a few hours, but eventually, he ceased experiencing sorrow about it. Instead, he was intrigued and wished to learn more about dinosaurs in general and about other extinct species and how they got diminished.

At school, he harbored trouble making friends. He was considered an oddball for reasons unknown and nobody ever wished to accompany him. In his neighborhood, he harbored only 2 friends but they were usually spiteful toward him. He eventually developed more friends, however, they were only temporary. He was also considered a bit of an outcast, though people would occasionally speak to him at school. Eventually, his parents divorced after a excessively rough marriage and his father performing adultery against his mother for the final time and he, his mother, and his brothers were evicted from their home and were forced to live with his grandmother. His grandmother was very rough with him and his father had become abusive as they both were required to deal with Roger's diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder and his newfound mood swings. He harbored a immense complications befriending others in school and in his new neighborhood due to his newly-developed violent tendencies. Of course, there were others who attempted to be kind to him. His violent outbursts evicted him out of school and into a crisis unit for 1 month where he was miserable, but developed temporary friendships.


Roger deems himself more outgoing at the age of 13 due to naivety regarding the "sinister nature" of the general population, especially in cyberspace. He deemed himself more nescient, asinine, willing to conform to his peers' whims, vulgar in speech, energetic, needlessly open about his personal affairs, splenetic, petulant, acrimonious, volatile, querulous, puerile, and numerous other negative terms. He described himself as easy to become romantically infatuated with others and began numerous relationships around and during the age of 13. His first relationship at the time was with a feline girl from New Zealand by the name of Ashlyn "Cougar" Turner who was mere months older than him. He described speaking to her via video chat almost every single day for months on end, spending hours speaking to her until her bedtime at 8 PM, which in Eastern Standard Time was 6 AM. He regrets losing sleep over a relationship that ended as negatively as it did, despite the fact that doing so inclined him to watch his favorite cartoon at the time that typically aired at 6 AM. He also experiences remorse over the abusive manner in which he would treat her, especially in contrast to her typical yet extraordinary kindness, and understood why she fell out of love with him over time. They would result in spending decreased time together as Cougar was typically occupied with various other matters. This led to him becoming more frustrated and eventually them severing their relationship.

After their breakup, Roger commenced a rebound relationship with Timothy "Tim" Kaplan, a then 16-year-old boy from the United Kingdom. Roger typically describes Beckham Shepherd as sharing the exact same voice as him, questioning whether or not the same person, to which Beckham declines, stating that his particular voice is "generic," and extremely common in the United Kingdom. Roger acknowledged that Tim was already in a virtual relationship with an American girl, but they agreed to maintain their relationship semi-private as they both acquired romantic sentiments toward each other. Their relationship lasted approximately 1 week before their breakup due to pressures from outside sources.

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Creepita "Creepy" Scarliton[]

Coming soon!

Yuki Hamaro[]

Coming soon!

Franklin "Frankie Fundango" Hamaro[]

Coming soon!

Cornelius "Corvo" Vonnegut[]

Coming soon!

Scarlet Scarliton[]

Coming soon!

Dominick Gomez[]

Coming soon!

Beckham Shepherd[]

Coming soon!


  • Roger is able to be considered an excellent chef, being able to appeal to the majority of people's tastes. He is competent enough to be able to acquire his own restaurant if he ever desired. However, he prefers to cook as a hobby and as a manner of sustaining himself, dedicating his professional life to science, drawing/painting, writing, and filmmaking.
  • He was designed to appear as Robin Grimmgall's ideal self, appearance-wise, but harbor his personality traits, experiences, disorders, history, mentality, and relationships.
  • Roger is a multi-verse character, including Robin Grimmgall's private alternate universes.
  • Although his hair may appear to be humanoid, it is actually created entirely of feathers. It is simple for other characters to guess while touching it directly or watching him pull a piece of it out.
  • Roger wears prescription glasses, but he is simply myopic (near-sighted) and doesn't require reliance on them to visually perceive everything (simply sights at a considerable distance).
  • Roger's birth name is Roger Simon Gomez-Garcia. He revealed that one day, while experiencing a manic episode evoked by Bipolar II Disorder, he paid for his surname to be legally transferred to Grimdark because he believed it suited him better. He does not mind his birth surname or being referred to by it, but also does not regret legally changing his surname to Grimdark.
    • Roger was originally supposed to be named, Rodney Grimace but while Grimmgall was attempting to remember the name Rodney while writing a story, the name was completely consigned to oblivion with the name, "Roger" being the only name he was able to think of. It was not until a while later that he finally remembered the name, Rodney, but did not decide to refer to Roger as such as he had already become accustomed to referring to him as Roger. His name remained for about a few months as, "Roger Grimace." He later decided to transfer his surname to Grimdark rather than Grimace since he believed Grimace was "too much of a villain-sounding name" for a non-villainous character like Roger and believed Grimdark was a better alternative, matching syllables with Grimmgall's pen surname.
    • Roger's middle name was originally supposed to be Sheldon, but was renamed to Simon after a family member of Grimmgall criticized the name Sheldon as being "too nerdy," among other concerns. He mentioned that he considered modifying Roger's name to Simon earlier but was dissuaded to due to the familiarity of the Sheldon middle name. He tested out "Sylvain" and "Stephan" with little success.


Roger by AprilRyan

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