By Robin Grimmgall. 2019.
Daniella Hopkins (Veruca Mystic) is the antagonist and primary villain of Alien from Ugatog. She is the older sister of Brook Myers and the remaining of his two sisters. Daniella is also the aunt and caretaker of the late Latasha Myers's daughters, Selena Myers and Nicky Myers. She is a Ugatanian Archie who currently resides in the United Kingdom.

In her Earth form, Daniella is a female anthropomorphic blue jay that sports long, straight black hair with bangs and green eyes with light purple eyeshadow typically worn. Her beak is long and medium gray, she possesses medium blue feathers primarily and a light blue chin, neck, and underbelly. She typically wears a medium gray, mid-sleeve sweater with a white dress shirt underneath that pokes out with the collar and cuffs, blue denim jeans, and brown pointed-toe boots. She is 5'6" and weighs 125 lbs.
Daniella is a highly intelligent, arrogant, haughty, sophisticated, contemptuous, cantankerous, genocidal, and villainous character who discreetly despises everyone on Earth.
She is a Ugatanian supremacist who plans on dominating the Earth, genociding every single Earthling, and then constructing Earth to be the true new home for Ugatanian Archies to replace the original Ugatog which was overtaken by brutal colonizers. She was not incubated or hatched at all on Ugatog and everything she knows about the planet and its history were passed down from her parents' monarchy's "teachers." However, she believes that due to Ugatanians' relatively peaceful nature, high intellect compared to the average Earthling, and their abilities to shapeshift infinitely and potentially other "superpowers," Ugatanians are superior to Earthlings and should no longer conceal their true nature in order to conform to Earthlings' whims and guarantee survival on this planet. Unfortunately, due to Earthlings' inherently violent nature, she believes that genocide is the sole answer to Ugatanian freedom on Earth.
She despises Brook due to his birth being the cause of the obstruction of her plans to takeover Earth as the Ugatanian's universal monarch. In Ugatanian law, the final born is the one who is crowned the newest monarch due to the idea that they are more likely to last longer (longer lifespans) than older siblings, and the fact that if something negative occurs with older siblings (e.g.: illness, injury, natal neuter sex that may prevent the procreation of future generations, etc.), it may be relatively easy to beget younger siblings to rule the monarchy.
Daniella resides in the United Kingdom and speaks with a Received Pronunciation accent. She attempts to feign traditional "good moral character" values such as Christianity, cisheterosexuality, monogamy, etc. despite not believing in any of these notions of "good moral character" and despising everything Earthlings stand for. This moral simulation is simply an act to ensure that Earthlings do not know of her ill intentions to genocide them when the time comes.
Daniella appears to have admired her sister, Latasha, as she was deeply heartbroken when she perished, and was honored to be able to care for her sister's children as their aunt and new legal guardian. She believed Latasha's death by vehicle collision was enacted purposefully due to her sister's misdeeds (murder) to attempt to conceal their true extraterrestrial nature from her lover(s) when her children were born (Ugatanians are typically born with the appearance of their native form). She believed that the vehicle collision was caused by Latasha's former lover's relatives seeking revenge for the death of their loved one. This further enraged her and caused her to further despise Earthlings and their vile, irrational nature.
Daniella does not like Regina at all due to her association with Brook and the fact that, despite her supernatural powers, she is still considered an Earthling by Daniella. She goes back and forth between treating Regina with kindness and treating her scornfully, causing Regina to feel confused about how to approach her. Regina, however, knows about Daniella's evil intentions due to Brook and Daniella's parents informing her of it prior to Daniella and Regina meeting. Unfortunately, Brook is still blinded to Daniella's evil nature, despite her acting obviously vile and scornful toward him the most, due to Brook seeing the good in everyone.