Cretaceous Love is a show created by Robin Grimmgall. It is planned to be the fourth one released.
Cretaceous Love is a show centered around Roger Grimdark and Beckham Shepherd from Outcasted and their relatively solo adventures as a couple residing together in Hellvane, Pennsylware. With his family residing across the street from him in the primary storyline, Roger tackles residing with his boyfriend, Beckham, without his parents constantly supervising him. Roger and Beckham experience an abundance of novel experiences and the rollercoaster that is life as they navigate their relationship together. Joining them occasionally is Roger's brother, Dominick Gomez from Outcasted as the antagonist of this series, wishing to sever their relationship due to envy and an unfounded disdain for Beckham and a sense of duty of protection over Roger. This series also includes occasional time skips featuring their future children, younger velociraptor daughter, Genevieve "Ginny" Virginia Grimdark-Shepherd and older Borzoi-mix son, Percival "Percy" Rodney Grimdark-Shepherd as they develop into adults and challenge Roger and Beckham's perceptions of the indication to exist as parents.
Alternate Universes[]
Rivalry AU[]
The Rivalry AU features Roger residing with his immediate family in Hellvane, Pennsylware, residing next door to the malicious, Beckham Shepherd, who constantly pines after Roger despite harboring a prolonged dastardly history with him, its reveal upon first meeting in real-life causing Roger to utterly despise him. In this alternate universe, Beckham and Roger share a somewhat larger age gap, and Beckham harbors pedophilic, rape fetishist, rapist, sadomasochistic, vorarephilic, psychological fetishistic, racist, sexist, xenophobic, transphobic, and ableist tendencies despite him denying a large portion of these traits when mentioned. Beckham and Roger engage in numerous situations and adventures together, despite Roger's dislike of Beckham, as they navigate residing in close proximity to each other. Roger also tackles life residing with his family members, as well as harboring Bipolar Disorder, Autism, PTSD, ADHD, dyscalculia, existing in poverty, and experiencing other dilemmas.
Frenemies AU[]
This alternate universe is a subset of the Rivalry AU that Robin Grimmgall describes as being, "part of the continuous linear timeline of the Rivalry AU, making up a larger and larger portion of the Rivalry AU as the Rivalry AU appears to be more of the beginning and foundation of this entire AU," and comprises of Roger and Beckham gradually becoming friendlier toward each other to the point where they are no longer pure rivals but are instead frenemies. For example, while there are plenty of non-canon stories involving Beckham murdering or attempting to murder Roger and plenty of stories where Roger berates, suicide baits, or attempts to attack Beckham, they behave much more amicably, to the point where Roger admits to deeming Beckham attractive and wishing to kiss his neck and touch his tongue, among other things, and Beckham is less willing to constantly aggravate Roger, more protective of his mental health, and more willing to lend him money, comestibles, or art from artists he knows whenever he is in an emergency (for the former two options) or whenever Beckham does something malignant or splenetic that warrants him to compensate Roger and/or his family members (for all options).
Two examples of the latter include the time when Beckham abducts Roger, forces him to remain silent and trapped in a corner of Beckham's house for days, and then eventually informs Roger's family that Roger is deceased, brutally murdered in a forest via disembowelment/dismemberment and subsequently ingested, while requiring Roger to appear at his own "funeral" in a disguise that conceals a large portion of his face, part of his hair, and the majority of his body, being introduced as Beckham's "new boyfriend." Roger is forced to not speak. Thereafter, Beckham "admits" to having murdered Roger, commented on the pleasure of his flavor, and urinates on his casket in front of Roger's family. In the process of urinating, Roger then walks up to Beckham and commences punching him repeatedly in the face, aggressively yelling out that he is utterly disgracing "the dead guy and his family," which he deems repulsive, and attacks Beckham further until Beckham receives the chance to push him down, in which he lands head first on the ground, his cranium hitting the ground hard. Beckham then inquires if Roger is "okay," assuring him that he did not intend to harm him but merely defend himself, to which Roger brushes it off and aggressively, yet quietly, asks Beckham to resume with the funeral. Beckham then decides that enough is enough and reveals the entire ploy. He infuriates Roger's mother and Beckham offers to disburse him $1,000 monthly. Then he modifies this to $2,000, and eventually $2,500 and any art that Roger yearns for from other artists, to the satisfaction of his mother and Roger. Another example would be the time that Beckham asphyxiates Roger via a chokehold to the point where Roger is comatose and dreams that he perished and that he, alongside the ghosts of an American Indian and a Union soldier watch as Beckham lives his life in the same house for approximately 80 years, which includes Beckham being investigated and subsequently able to properly conceal Roger's corpse and dismissed as a suspect, an unsuccessful attempt to revive Roger, Beckham bearing children and grandchildren, and eventually Beckham's death on his 100th birthday. Alongside this, Roger witnesses Roger's family move out of their house while wondering if Roger is still alive, in which Roger's ghost weeps as he misses his mother, being comforted by the American Indian and Union soldier. Eventually, shortly after Beckham's death, his grandson attempts to revive Roger for the second time, as part of Beckham's wishes, and Roger is successfully revived. His dream concludes with Beckham requesting forgiveness and explaining his feelings, Roger reluctantly forgiving him, a feminine divine voice informing Roger that he is now welcome into heaven as he's finally no longer a lost and vengeful soul, but is receiving a superior offer (to which the voice cues them all to Roger being revived), then Roger waving goodbye to the American Indian, Union soldier, and Beckham, before waking up. Upon waking up, Roger discovers tubes in his mouth and anus and attempts to pull out the oral tube. He then screams for Beckham, in agony. Beckham hears his screams while ingesting his lunch, wraps his meal into a sandwich, and then runs up to the room Roger is in, still ingesting the sandwich. Beckham arrives to perceive Roger awake and in agony, and praises the universe for him being alive. Roger comments on Beckham's relatively young age, Beckham, confused, thanks him but mentions that he's still older than Roger, and then explains the situation, including that he was comatose for 4 days and that he injected economical nanobots in him with the assistance of his "black market" and "dark cyberspace" friends, and then decides to take him out for Honeytree's for dinner as it's been 3 hours since Roger's body was fed paste in a tube and insists that he must wish for some solid comestibles. Eventually, after a full day of Beckham ingesting nothing but bland meals upon Roger's request (based on Beckham repeatedly being able to gustatorily enjoy comestibles while Roger was unable to in his dream and in their reality), Roger is sent back to his house with Beckham constructing a false excuse for Roger's whereabouts, and Roger informs his mother that Beckham told him that he "owes [Roger] [his] life" due to how negatively he impacted Roger while he was missing upon Gwendolyn inquiring about whether Beckham was lying.
An example of the former would be the story in which Roger is unable to ingest comestibles for approximately 5 days due to a lack of comestibles and eventually Beckham purchases a large amount of groceries for Roger and his family due to no longer being able to bear observing Roger starve to which Roger weeps and thanks Beckham immensely.
Secret Lovers AU[]
A conceptual subset of the Rivalry AU where Beckham and Roger eventually develop a relationship after certain stories which lead in this direction. In this alternate universe, their relationship is required to be maintained in secrecy due to the potential disapproval from Roger's brother and parents.
Vulgar Roger[]
Roger speaks in a vulgar, nonsensical, and incoherent manner about various topics while others, particularly Beckham, comment about how intelligent and articulate he is. According to Robin Grimmgall, this alternate universe is based upon how he perceives himself versus how others tend to perceive him and is intended to satirize his frustrations with this alleged cognitive dissonance.
Strangers AU[]
This alternate universe revolves around awkward situations when Roger behaves as he typically does toward Beckham while they are both complete and utter strangers. This alternate universe is typically implied to be a figment of Roger's imagination, a topic he typically writes stories about creatively for amusement while Beckham typically comments on the absurdity of what he wrote, although numerous skits involving this alternate universe do not follow this format.
Mayor AU[]
A most likely abandoned alternate universe where Beckham is the mayor of Hellvane who is a dictator and a contemptible person who is infatuated with Roger. Roger possesses 2 young children, Ginny and Percy, from an estranged mother who greatly resembles Beckham but is possibly unrelated to him, and neither Roger nor his children enjoy the company of Beckham at the beginning. Eventually, Roger and Beckham endure a relationship which Ginny and Percy disapprove of.
Coming soon!
- Gwendolyn Gomez
- Axton Gomez-Garcia
- Ivan Gomez-Garcia
- Amelia Shepherd
- Charles Shepherd
- James Shepherd
- Roland Shepherd
- Eliza Shepherd
- Cornelius Vonnegut