Consuela "Connie B." Birkwood is a smoky-brown woodpecker. She is the tritagonist of The Mimics. Her age is currently unknown (possibly 24-25). She is the local librarian at "The Bookyman." Harvey Gullberg is her unrequited love interest.
Connie B. is an anthropomorphic smoky-brown woodpecker. She possesses the typical colors and markings of her species. She is a medium reddish-brown with a lighter brown jaw and abdomen. She possesses desaturated brown spots on her face and body. Her beaks and legs are a medium gray color, with darker-colored stripes on her legs. She is of the corpulent variety. Her hair is wavy, reaches her mid-back, a dark reddish-brown color, with side bangs. She wears large circular glasses, a light blue dress with darker-blue long sleeves, and flowers with blue petals and yellow centers all over it, brown leggings with dark brown stripes, and salmon flat shoes. She stands at 5'2".
Connie B. is able to be considered to harbor anger management difficulties, although she usually endeavors vigorously to maintain control of them. Regarding her customers behaving disruptively at her bookstore, she tends to become enraged, typically shouting at people to "be quiet," (frequently resulting in them shushing her, ironically) and even extending as far as to throw a book at a customer. She harbors a love for reading all kinds of books, but she also loves viewing humorous content on the internet, watching television shows and films that are able to be considered lowbrow and excessively dramatic with the sole intention to joke about them, baking, sewing, engaging in arts and crafts, adventuring in the forest, and collecting plushies that she deems adorable.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
- According to Robin Grimmgall, Connie B.'s appearance was based on Eileen Roberts from Regular Show, and her personality was inspired by his online friend's depictions of Eileen in her fanfiction stories, which he deemed somewhat inaccurate to her actual character but, "most likely charmingly inspired by 90s' cartoons such as Hey! Arnold, which was a more interesting portrayal of her than the actual show wrote her." He was a fan of Regular Show during the conception of The Mimics and, originally, decided to depict her as a somewhat unattractive nerdy character as he originally perceived Eileen, equipped with the "dotted eyes" she was portrayed with in her debut appearance. When reviving The Mimics, he was no longer a fan or viewer of Regular Show for personal reasons, but decided to continue the inspiration of Eileen Roberts with a new depiction based on his newfound perception of her appearance, "adorable yet nerdy." He also continued to conjure inspiration from his online friend's depiction of Eileen due to deeming it an interesting and charming dynamic and character archetype.
- He believed his intention of her being adorable was successful as multiple people drew fanart of Connie B. on their own accord, occasionally describing her as "cute," more so than the fanart of the other characters from The Mimics.
- When conceptualizing the reason behind Harvey's extreme aversion toward Connie B., particularly considering her appealing appearance, he was stumped as to what could justify it. He did not believe simply harboring an infatuation with Kat Davis was a suitable justification, therefore, he eventually decided that he did not deem her to be appealing due to her being plump and him simply not deeming corpulent women attractive. He believed that because this belief is thoroughly despised in the contemporary age, and was a belief he personally disagreed with, this could contribute more toward Harvey's cantankerous personality.
- According to Robin Grimmgall, one of Connie B.'s previous surname was Maderabedul, a butchered version of the Spanish word for "Birkwood," madera de abedul. However, she decided to legally change her surname to dissociate herself from her parents.
- Her original forename was "Constance," but was transferred to "Consuela" to highlight her Hispanic heritage. According to Robin Grimmgall, he deems the name Consuela to be more auditorily appealing than Constance.