Artwork by TheDawner.
Brooklyn "Brook" Myers (real name: Vrakelske [VRAH-KEHL-SKEE] Mystic) is the deuteragonist and namesake of Alien from Ugatog. He is an extraterrestrial shapeshifter who was born and raised on Earth in the Ugatanian Empire located in the Bermuda Triangle. He is next-in-line to govern the Ugatanian Archies as their universal monarch.
In Brook's Earth form, he is typically an anthropomorphic blue-jay with steel blue feathers on his hands, tail, thighs, and top half of his face. Alongside this, he has a baby blue underbelly, neck, and lower-half face. In between his eyes, he has Prussian blue markings in the form of 3 scraggy upside-down triangles. His beak is considerably long with a medium gray hue. He has long, straight, shoulder-length hair that is violet purple on the top half and black on the bottom half. His hairstyle can be considered shaggy with prominent bangs that point to either side of his face. His eyes are forest green. Brook stands at 5'11". He has a masculine mesomorphic body type in the shape of a rectangle. He wears a wool sweater with variously-colored stripes (dark navy blue, sienna brown, walnut brown, cobalt blue, light red, dark sienna brown, pinkish lavender, tussock, and lime green), navy blue jeans, and black ankle boots. He typically wears a cedar brown fedora.
Brook is known for being less comprehensive than the average Ugatanian. It is unknown what genetic components caused his intellectual defect, but it does not deter him from his desire to learn. Due to his lesser intelligence and sheltered lifestyle, he is frequently gullible. He is easy to persuade into doing other people's bidding or tasks, simply by coming up with vague lies about how beneficial his actions will be and why he will be performing them. Aside from this, Brook is quite friendly in nature, as typical for a member of his species. He does not enjoy disappointing others or committing misdeeds and will often overlook people's negative traits in favor of what he considers to be positive traits.
Regina Foxtrot[]
Coming soon!
Daniella Hopkins[]
Coming soon!
Selena and Nicky Hopkins[]
Coming soon!
Bendy Travis[]
Coming soon!
Eloise and Derek Myers[]
Coming soon!
Sydney Larson[]
Coming soon!
Latasha Myers[]
Coming soon!
- Coming soon!