Amelia Shepherd (née: Bonesworth) is the mother of Beckham Shepherd, Roland Shepherd, James Shepherd, and Eliza Shepherd, the husband of Charles Shepherd, and an antagonist in Cretaceous Love. She is infamous to her children for her conservative values and her abusive behavior toward Beckham due to her disapproval of his homosexuality, a trait which continues throughout the majority of Beckham's adulthood and independence from her.
Amelia Shepherd is a cisgender female anthropomorphic borzoi who stands at 5'5" and weighs 125 lbs. She possesses a pear figure, possessing smaller breasts with a slimmer waist and relatively large hips. Her fur is a light honey yellow (#E2D598) all around her body and face with no particular markings. Amelia wears her hair in pin curl pompadour-esque bangs with collarbone-length pin curl hair protruding from both shoulders. She typically wears a mint green with large zebra and small pink-striped headscarf which is tied underneath her lower jaw, as well as a long-sleeved, broad-shouldered, slim, collared, buttoned-up, knee-length dress that is medium beige (#B39377) with a dark brown belt and dark brown sleeves (both #291C17) that connect to the collarbone area with two rectangles containing upside down triangles at the bottom edges on each side of the collarbone, next to the shoulders. She also wears dark magenta pumps (high-heeled shoes).
Despite her staunch belief in traditional values and strong gender roles according to the Christian Bible and the standards she was conditioned into while developing, Amelia is ironically more strident, domineering, and authoritative than her husband, Charles, who is typically more quiet, reserved, passive, and acquiesce and cooperative with her method of childrearing, as well as Amelia being more vociferous about her political beliefs in general, to which Charles barely enunciates his perspectives or speaks often in general. She may be considered egotistical, prioritizing her health, her public perception, her status, her appearance, her perspectives on life, and her personal experiences above all else, aside from her faith in Jehovah/Yahweh. She is capable of feigning admiration, adoration, affection, sympathy, acceptance, and kindness toward others when it suits her, despite her sentiments and thoughts on the people she is speaking to. She is not above torturing her children to attempt to force them to conform to her sensibilities. More coming soon!
Amelia was born on May 17, 1964 in Winchester, United Kingdom to Gertrude Bonesworth (née: McCartilage), a Northern Irish homemaker, and Vincent Bonesworth, an English cordwainer. She was of a lower-middle income, leading to a relatively comfortable, yet not excessively luxurious life as a minor. Her father was an alcoholic who regularly beat, verbally and psychologically abuse, and strangle her mother, yet would lavish Amelia in affection and as many gifts as he was able to afford, causing her to not disburse any heed to her mother's suffering, and to possibly utilize his tactics to force submission on her own children later in life. Her GPA was 3.0, indicating that she was a decent and relatively attentive and studious pupil in school, and her IQ is most likely around 95-109, indicating average intelligence. She was somewhat emotionally estranged from her mother, heavily preferring her father due to his high affection, yet she did not necessarily despise or dislike Gertrude, but rather felt neutral toward her, if not mild pity. She was an only child, which coupled with Vincent spoiling her immensely, heavily influenced her proneness to selfishness and her future of egotism.
Amelia was taught by both of her parents to despise the LGBT community, certain domesticated canine breeds, certain species and/or certain races/breeds/subspecies of those species, and all other religions and non-religions such as atheism/agnosticism and those who believe in them, that interspecies, interethnic, and/or interracial coupling and breeding was immoral unless with certain approved breeds/races/ethnicities, to despise, pity, and condescend the psychiatrically/cognitively/developmentally/intellectually disabled, to pity and condescend those with physical disabilities/non-neurological medical conditions, to despise hippies, beatniks, punks, goths, and other countercultures, to despise liberal/progressive people, among many other groups. She was also taught numerous traditional gender roles such as that women's sole purpose is to bear and raise children, a woman's duty is to her husband, a woman's domain is in the kitchen, the men of the house ingests comestibles foremost, male children secondly, and women and girls finally, et al., many of which she obeys even in the present, but others such as a woman's duty to remain silent in church, abstain from politics, etc. is discarded for her convenience.
While in university, she attempted to befriend many different people from the groups she was taught to despise, including pugs, pit bulls, and bulldogs, among other dog breeds, atheists, Muslims, Hindus, and Jews, hippies, liberals, feminists, lesbians, sapphics, turians, achilleans, transsexual people, sex-ambiguous/epicene people, sex-shifters, intersex people, certain human races, non-mammalian species, non-human primates, felines, ursines, psychiatrically disabled people, goths, and punks. She decided to remain open-minded and attempt to befriend these people before judging them, following the famous, "Love thy neighbor" quote. Unfortunately, matters resulted in the worst as she attempted to navigate friendships with these people due to clashing of beliefs, personal disgust, personality clashing, clinginess to stereotypes and overidentification of them through attempted analysis of behavior and experiences that were distributed to her, et al. Among all else, there was a particular experience which caused her to ultimately despise homosexuals above all other groups.
Amelia would attempt to suppress her disgust and impulse to recoil when witnessing acts of homosexuality, especially kissing, as well as groping, as she was taught that penis-in-vagina intercourse in the missionary position was the most righteous and proper form of sexual intercourse, especially for recreational purposes, and that oral and anal sex, outercourse, and other forms of sexual activities were degenerate, disgraceful, disgusting, and perverse, and would automatically cause one to descend into hell upon one's demise. However, she was eventually curious as to whether she would enjoy engaging in sensual and sexual acts with members of the same sex and decided to request that her lesbian friend experimented with her. Before engaging in those acts, when by herself, she prayed to Jehovah to allow her to continue a close relationship with him regardless of the outcome of her sexuality. She began slowly by French kissing her friend. While engaging in such behavior, she experienced nausea and almost vomited in her friend's mouth, swallowing the vomit before it was able to occur, and severing the kiss. Afterward, she decided to remove her and her friend's shirts to grope each other's breasts, attempting to certify that her sentiments regarding her sexuality are veridical. While she played with her friend's breasts and nipples and vice versa, she experienced uncomfortable sentiments and attempted to demand that her friend cease these actions and conclude the experiment. Unfortunately, her friend was excessively aroused and continued the foreplay. Her demands transformed into begging and pleading, which transformed into whimpering, and attempts to remove her friend's hands from her breasts and escape from the room, and therefore, the situation. Unfortunately, her friend decided to slowly caress her waist, moving toward her panties, putting her hand inside of Amelia's panties and rubbing her genitals. Eventually, Amelia bit down with force on her friend's bicep, causing her to recoil in pain, and allowing for Amelia to escape from the situation and evacuate the room.
She returned to her room and commenced sobbing and wailing as she experienced sentiments of somatic violation. She attempted to speak to her friends about the situation, and plenty of them, yet still a negligible amount, inquired suspiciously about her impulse to vomit in her mouth, among her general discomfort, wondering if it was due to underlying issues with homosexuality rather than a genuine exclusive desire for the opposite sex/gender which completely excludes any desire for the same sex/gender, and advised her to attempt to re-attempt the experiment with a "more open mind." Her disbelief that some of her friends would support her sexual assaulter and condemn her discomfort during the entire situation rather than the act of sexual assault she experienced caused her to eventually double down on her instilled hatred for those groups and condemn the entirety of those groups rather than simply the people who sided with her sexual assaulter and believed sexual assault could be excused. She also despised all lesbians following the situation that occurred.
She shunned all of the people she formerly considered friends and decided to only befriend those she was certain were of her approved categories of people, which is when she eventually met Charles Shepherd, a mixed-breed anthropomorphic male borzoi.
More coming soon!
Beckham Shepherd[]
Coming soon!
Charles Shepherd[]
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James Shepherd[]
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Eliza Shepherd[]
Coming soon!
Roland Shepherd[]
Coming soon!
Gertrude Bonesworth[]
Coming soon!
Vincent Bonesworth[]
Coming soon!
Roger Grimdark[]
Coming soon!
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